System messages
From Literacy of Memory
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.
Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
watchthispage (talk) (Translate) | Watch this page |
watchthisupload (talk) (Translate) | Watch this file |
wed (talk) (Translate) | Wed |
wednesday (talk) (Translate) | Wednesday |
wednesday-at (talk) (Translate) | Wednesday at $1 |
weeks (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|$1 week|$1 weeks}} |
welcomecreation-msg (talk) (Translate) | Your account has been created. You can change your {{SITENAME}} [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] if you wish. |
welcomeuser (talk) (Translate) | Welcome, $1! |
whatlinkshere (talk) (Translate) | What links here |
whatlinkshere-count (talk) (Translate) | Displaying $1 {{PLURAL:$1|item|items}}. |
whatlinkshere-hideimages (talk) (Translate) | Hide file links |
whatlinkshere-hidelinks (talk) (Translate) | Hide links |
whatlinkshere-hideredirs (talk) (Translate) | Hide redirects |
whatlinkshere-hidetrans (talk) (Translate) | Hide transclusions |
whatlinkshere-links (talk) (Translate) | ← links |
whatlinkshere-next (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|next|next $1}} |
whatlinkshere-page (talk) (Translate) | Page: |
whatlinkshere-prev (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|previous|previous $1}} |
whatlinkshere-sectionredir (talk) (Translate) | redirect to section "$1" |
whatlinkshere-submit (talk) (Translate) | Go |
whatlinkshere-summary (talk) (Translate) | |
whatlinkshere-title (talk) (Translate) | Pages that link to "$1" |
whitelistedittext (talk) (Translate) | Please $1 to edit pages. |
widthheight (talk) (Translate) | $1 × $2 |
widthheightpage (talk) (Translate) | $1 × $2, $3 {{PLURAL:$3|page|pages}} |
wiki-seo-api-disabled (talk) (Translate) | Image generation is disabled, set $wgWikiSeoEnableSocialImages = true |
wiki-seo-api-image-error (talk) (Translate) | Could not generate social media image |
wiki-seo-api-imagick-missing (talk) (Translate) | PHP Imagick is missing |
wiki-seo-api-title-empty (talk) (Translate) | Title parameter is empty |
wiki-seo-desc (talk) (Translate) | Allows per-page meta settings like keywords and description, changing the title, and various site verification tags. |
wiki-seo-empty-attr-parser (talk) (Translate) | Error: <nowiki>{{#seo:}}</nowiki> must contain at least one non-empty attribute. |
wiki-seo-empty-attr-tag (talk) (Translate) | Error: <seo> tag must contain at least one non-empty attribute. |
wiki-seo-invalid-generator (talk) (Translate) | Error: $1 is not a valid metadata generator. |
wiki-seo-missing-page-title (talk) (Translate) | Error: the given page title is invalid. |
wiki-seo-pageinfo-below (talk) (Translate) | Information from [ Extension:WikiSEO] |
wiki-seo-pageinfo-header-content (talk) (Translate) | Content |
wiki-seo-pageinfo-header-description (talk) (Translate) | Description |
wiki-seo-param-author (talk) (Translate) | Article author: |
wiki-seo-param-description (talk) (Translate) | Article description: |
wiki-seo-param-description-description (talk) (Translate) | This attribute controls the content of the <code>description</code> and <code>og:description</code> elements. |
wiki-seo-param-google_bot (talk) (Translate) | GoogleBot module: |
wiki-seo-param-image (talk) (Translate) | Article image: |
wiki-seo-param-image-description (talk) (Translate) | This attribute controls the content of the <code>og:image</code> element. This image is mostly displayed as a thumbnail on social media. |
wiki-seo-param-image_alt (talk) (Translate) | Image alternative text: |
wiki-seo-param-image_height (talk) (Translate) | Image height: |
wiki-seo-param-image_width (talk) (Translate) | Image width: |
wiki-seo-param-keywords (talk) (Translate) | Keywords: |
wiki-seo-param-keywords-description (talk) (Translate) | This attribute controls the content of the <code>keywords</code> and <code>article:tag</code> elements. |
wiki-seo-param-locale (talk) (Translate) | Article locale: |
wiki-seo-param-published_time (talk) (Translate) | Article published date: |